MEET A SISTER - We are blessed to introduce to you Sr. Maximilian Marie Garretson, O.P. She is one of four Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Michigan, who will be joining our faculty this fall. Sr. Maximilian Marie will be teaching Theology at the high school. Here is a little background information about her. After receiving her Bachelor of Arts and Apostolic Catechetical Diploma at Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts, Sr. Maximilian Marie served as a Youth Coordinator in her home state of Oregon for several years. At World Youth Day in Rome, she answered God’s amazing invitation of love to become His Bride and entered the convent in 2001. Having obtained her teaching degree from Eastern Michigan University and a Master’s in Educational Leadership from the University of Southern Mississippi, she spent five years as a teacher/principal in the Sacramento area. Sister was blessed to spend four years in Rome serving as a librarian at the Pontifical North American College and completed her Master of Theology at Providence College in Rhode Island last summer and taught Theology at St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School in Austin during the 2020-21 school year. Welcome, Sr. Maximilian Marie. #TheSistersAreComing